Marketa discovered kinesiology 25 years ago in Czech Republic. After moving to Australia in 2002 she made the decision to follow her passion and began living her dream life.

This passion for creating positive change led to her completing a Diploma in Holistic Kinesiology and Health Sciences. These studies included traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathy, aroma-therapy, essences, energetic healing, counseling techniques and nutritions.

Marketa furthered her education being certified as a Reiki 2 practitioner and also studied the practical use of NLP and Body Psycho therapy. She continues to attend courses and seminars helping her to develop and perfect her unique abilities.

Marketa now delivers her own style of healing and transformation encompassing everything she has learnt throughout the years. Marketa is here to empower you to find your inner strength and take  charge of your life. This is achieved by helping you to transform your inner self, enabling you to follow your passions and live the life you have always dreamed of. 


Dip.Health Sciences & Holistic Kinesiology

Reiki I,II

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner

Ericksonian Hypnosis 

Results Coach

N.O.T. certificate

Advanced Children Yoga Teacher

Certified Yoga Therapy for Kids Teacher

Member of:

ATMS No: 23248  (

AKA (Australian Kinesiology association) No: 9878


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